How to jailbreak iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS 4.3.3 using JailbreakMe 3.0

Comex has released its newer version of JailbreakMe i,e JailbreaMe 3.0 that supports iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad 1, and iPod touch 4G, 3G on iOS 4.3.3 / 4.3.2 / 4.3.1 / 4.3. iPad 2 users can only jailbreak on iOS 4.3.3 at the moment. Comex said he will add support for earlier versions in the future.

JailbreakMe 3.0 can currently jailbreak following devices and firmwares :

iPad 1: 4.3 to 4.3.3
iPad 2: 4.3.3
iPhone 3GS: 4.3 to 4.3.3
iPhone 4: 4.3 to 4.3.3
iPhone 4 CDMA: 4.2.6 to 4.2.8
iPod touch 3G: 4.3, 4.3.2, 4.3.3
iPod touch 4G: 4.3 to 4.3.3

How to jailbreak iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch, iPad on 4.3 to 4.3.3 using JailbreakMe 3.0
This simple tutorial will teach you how to jailbreak your device (see the list of supported device and firmwares above) using JailbreaMe 3.0. I have used iPhone 4 4.3.3 (GSM) in this tutorial but you can use this tutorial on on your iPhone 3GS, iPad 2, iPad 1, iPod Touch 3G and iPod Touch 4G as well.

To jailbreak your i|Phone 4, simply open Safari browser on your iPhone 4 and open this and tap the 'Free' Button and then the 'Free' icon will turn into'Install' icon. Tap it.

Now Cydia will be installed on your device. Wait for 3-5 minutes. That's it. Your' done. You don;t even need to connect your iPhone to your PC or MAC to get this jailbreak. Enjoy your jailbroken iPhone 4 on iOS 4.3.3.

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